Episode 002: Leave Room For Mystery

  • Hey, there! I’m Adrienne. Welcome back to "Live Your Truth, Love Your Life." Today we’re diving into an idea that’s a bit unusual but holds profound wisdom —"Leave Room for Mystery." It’s a thought I’ve been pondering and wanted to share with you.

    This phrase might seem odd, but when we dig into it, it can be truly transformative in our lives, especially when it comes to embracing the future, harnessing the power of manifestation, and finding peace amid the unknown. 

    You know, as we journey through life, we’re often so keen to map out every detail, to have a game plan for everything, a step-by-step strategy to reach our goals. And while it's crucial to have clarity and direction, there's something incredibly powerful about leaving some space for the mysterious, the unexpected, the spontaneous. 

    As humans, it's natural for us to crave control and certainty. We love knowing what's going to happen, how it's going to happen, and when. But life...oh, life...it doesn't always stick to our carefully laid plans. And that's where the beauty lies. 

    Manifesting is a fantastic example of this. We might set a crystal-clear intention for what we want, visualize it, feel it, believe in it wholeheartedly...and yet, we also need to allow the universe some leeway to bring it into our lives. And that may not look exactly how we imagined. Some people have a lot of trouble with this.  They think that if they’re manifesting something, it’s going to show up the way that they expect.

    By leaving room for mystery, we surrender our attachment to a specific outcome and open ourselves up to potential we might not even be aware of. We create space for miracles, for synchronicities, for delightful surprises that could be even more fulfilling than what we initially envisioned.

    There's something incredibly freeing about embracing the unknown. It's about coming to terms with the fact that we don't have all the answers—and that's okay. It's about finding a peaceful equilibrium between our natural urge to know, to control, and the liberating acceptance of life's unpredictability. 

    So today, I invite you to ponder on this: Where in your life can you leave a little room for mystery? How can you dance with the unknown, and trust that even without a perfect plan, incredible things can unfold?

    Remember, when you live your truth, the mystery isn't daunting; it’s delightful. The unknown isn’t unnerving; it’s an adventure. Because at the end of the day, it's in the mystery that we find the magic. So let's step into it together and witness how life can astound us when we give it the chance. 

  • As a companion to the latest podcast episode, 'Leave Room for Mystery,' I've created an exclusive journaling prompt just for you.

    In the episode, we talked about embracing the unknown, trusting the unfolding of life's mysteries, and allowing life to surprise us in the most beautiful ways. This is where our journaling exercise comes in.

    Let me introduce you to our 'Dance with the Unknown' exercise.

    As you start this exercise, I want you to sit comfortably, breathe deeply, and open your heart to possibilities. This isn't just a simple journaling exercise. It's an invitation to trust yourself, to trust life, and to invite curiosity, wonder, and a dash of spontaneity into your everyday living.

    • Where in your life can you leave a little room for mystery?

    • How can you dance with the unknown, and trust that even without a perfect plan, incredible things can unfold?

    As you ponder on these prompts, remember that there's no right or wrong answer. This is your space, your moment. Listen to your heart, be honest with yourself, and let your pen flow. Remember, the magic of life resides not in the known but in the thrilling dance with the unknown.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us together. Happy journaling!


Download the full Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 003: Worthiness - Flip the Script


Episode 001: Bet On Yourself