#1 New Release

In Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus, you'll find a poignant collection of haikus that encapsulate the myriad emotions experienced through the journey of loss and love. Each haiku serves as a window into the soul's deepest corners—offering reflections on the pain, confusion, and sometimes, the unexpected moments of beauty that emerge from grieving.

Crafted during the author's personal confrontation with her mother's cancer diagnosis, these haikus are more than just a collection of poems. They're a shared experience, a companion in the loneliest of times. The simplicity of the haiku format mirrors the complexity of emotions involved in coping with a loved one's illness, making profound feelings accessible and relatable.

This book is designed not just to be read, but to be felt, speaking directly to those wrestling with their own 'scattered thoughts' on loss. Whether you're in the depths of grieving, supporting someone who is, or simply reflecting on loss, these haikus offer solace and understanding. They remind us that even in our most fragmented moments, we are not alone.

Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus invites readers to see their reflections in its pages, to find comfort in shared experience, and to embrace the healing power of words.

It's a testament to the enduring strength of love, the complexity of grief, and the resilience of the human spirit showcased through these haikus.

Available in paperback or Kindle

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I’m Adrienne, your coach for change, loss and grief.

Grief has been an unwelcome companion many times in my life. From losing people I love to scary health struggles and big break ups to losing my sense of self, loss and grief have shown up again and again. I’ve also experienced some incredible, chosen changes that still brought grief, from changing careers to moving across the country. 

You’re not broken. You deserve happiness. And even though you might not think that’s possible, or feel like your life is over, I’m here to show you that you can feel peace, purpose and joy again.

What people are saying about the book

  • "Those words in your book transcend time. I remember thinking a lot of them myself when my mother died. Keep sharing... keep showing vulnerability and humility. It's all real and shows you are living your truth and loving your life."

    Joyce D.

  • "Incredible Outlook on Love, Grief, and Pain - Knowing Adrienne and her entire family for most of my life, it is truly amazing to me that putting all of truths of her deepest feelings at all phases, from the highs and lows of all emotions were generously shared. Any person reading this book who has lost or in the process of losing a loved one can certainly relate to most of the thoughts and statements and maybe gain insight into their own situation. It certainly helped me reading this and opened my mind to dealing with grief. Thank you Adrienne for sharing. Love and prayers.

    R. Campbell

  • "Excellent Look and Great Flow - The book is very well thought out and so sincerely written. The poetry itself and the visuals in concert with each other capture the feelings and message."

    Derek V.

  • "Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus felt like it was written just for me. The haikus cut right to the heart of what it's like to grieve, making me feel understood in a way I didn’t expect from a book. Adrienne has a unique way of capturing the tough, tangled emotions of loss with simple, striking words. For anyone dealing with grief, this collection is a straightforward, touching guide through the tough times. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you, Adrienne, for sharing these words that so closely matched my own thoughts."

    Colleen T.

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