Episode 007: Being Genuine is Worth It with RD Weeks

There are interviews, and then there are *journeys.* My recent heart-to-heart with Robert-David "RD" Weeks was definitely the latter. If there's one episode you can't miss, this is it!

Meet the Communication & Connection Maestro, Robert-David Weeks  

Known for his magnetic positivity and knack for fostering meaningful relationships, Robert-David isn't just another entrepreneur. With over eight years under his belt, he's transformed his own life challenges into the incredible EPIC Method & GenuineCON, dedicated to helping micro business owners and entrepreneurs find their authentic voice. Through voice exercises, breathwork, conversation techniques, and movement, RD is revolutionizing how we communicate and connect, both in our personal and professional worlds.

  • From Shadows to Spotlight 

    Growing up, Robert-David grappled with finding his own voice amidst a family of achievers. He was often afraid to be seen, and he felt eclipsed by the success of his 'Weeks brothers'. His journey through these challenges didn’t just shape him, but propelled him to help others find their voice.

    RD's Golden Nuggets of Wisdom  

    • Courage Over Comfort: Embrace being seen and heard without worrying about judgments. It's about showcasing your true self.

    • Transparent Talk: Open up about your needs. After all, how can one lend a hand if they don't know you're reaching out?

    • Practice, Practice, Practice: Whether it's mastering a skill or fostering connections, repetition diminishes fear and amplifies confidence. As RD loves to say, "put in the reps!"

    • Tuning into Intuition: Make breathwork, meditation, and somatic exercises part of your routine. These aren't just habits but lifelines that keep you anchored.

    Genuine + Clear Communication = Trust that your business will provide you with the lifestyle you desire. Being genuine in your communication is more than just words. It's a belief, a promise. Add clarity to that, and you're not just building relationships, you're building trust.

    Savage Adventure Camp: Dive Deep into Unchartered Territories

    If you've been dreaming about pushing your boundaries, this is your cue! Robert-David and I first connected at the Savage Adventure Camp, a transformative experience for adults. And guess what? Round two is happening September 22-25, 2023 in Colorado Springs! Intrigued? Find out more here

    More in the Episode  

    From the nuances of the EPIC Method, the ethos behind GenuineCON, to embracing digital detoxes and navigating challenging conversations – our chat covers it all.

    Ready to be Inspired? 

    There's a world of wisdom packed into this episode. So grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and tune in. Believe me, by the end of it, you'll see communication in a whole new light.

  • In the latest episode with the insightful Robert-David Weeks, we went into the power of genuine communication, its potential to foster true connection, and the courage it takes to be genuinely seen and heard. RD's journey, from feeling overshadowed as a “Weeks brother” to mastering the art of communication and helping others do the same, holds so many lessons for us all.

    Let's take a moment to reflect on our own communication style, our fears, and the ways we can embody genuineness in every conversation.

    • Reflect on a time when you held back from expressing your true feelings or thoughts, fearing judgment or misunderstanding.

    • What were the circumstances? How did it make you feel?

    • Now, imagine revisiting that scenario but this time, communicating with authenticity and clarity, just as RD recommends.

    • Write down what you would say, how you would say it, and how it might transform the outcome.

    Remember, being genuine is a gift to yourself and those you communicate with.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


Download the full Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 008: Nurture Your Idea in Silence


Episode 006: Raise Your Standards and the Universe Will Meet You There