Episode 006: Raise Your Standards and the Universe Will Meet You There

  • Hey there! It's Adrienne, back with another episode of the Live Your Truth, Love Your Life podcast. Today, we're diving headfirst into the subject of your standards, better yet, it's all about raising your standards. We're unpacking the concept, "Raise your standards, and the universe will meet you there." Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Let's get into it!

    First things first, let's define standards. These aren't about being pretentious or demanding the impossible. No, standards are about the level of quality, respect, and treatment you expect in your life. They're the non-negotiables that guide your decision-making, your relationships, and your overall attitude towards life.

    Here's the thing. Sometimes, we settle for less than we deserve because of fear or insecurity. We fear disappointment, rejection, or the discomfort of stepping out of our comfort zones.

    We become accustomed to what is, rather than being open to what could be. This is where the importance of raising your standards comes in. 

    This isn’t about denying reality, not accepting things as they are, but it’s more about discerning what you are willing to allow into your life.  You can decide something isn’t for you if it’s not quality, meaningful, or respectful for you.  Essentially, if you don’t manage your life and how you experience things, others will manage it for you.

    Raising your standards is about transforming the narrative of what's possible in your life. It's about aligning your life more closely with your values, desires, and ambitions. It means believing in your worth, setting boundaries, and consciously deciding what you'll accept and what you won't.

    Here's where the magic happens: when you raise your standards, you send a message to yourself and the universe that you deserve more. This shift in mindset and energy has a profound effect on your life and the opportunities that come your way. 

    There's this beautiful, almost mystical concept in the self-development world that says the universe meets us where we are. This doesn't mean that every wish we have will be instantly granted, of course. What it means is that the universe responds to the energy we emit, our expectations, our beliefs, and our standards. When we raise our standards, we shift our energy and expectations. In turn, this can attract higher-quality experiences, relationships, and opportunities into our lives.

    I believe that we are energyWe are vast energy, and how we exist in the world is an energetic experience. There’s the old adage, energy follows thought. You want high vibrational energy, high vibe thoughts, expansive thoughts. Raising your standards is about raising your energy, your vibration.  

    Now that we understand the why, let's move onto the how. Here are some actionable steps to start raising your standards:

    1. Self-awareness: The first step to raising your standards is recognizing where they currently stand. Reflect on different areas of your life: your career, relationships, personal growth, health, etc. Are you content with what you see, or are there areas where you're settling for less than you deserve?  Look at whether these different areas of your life are giving you energy or draining you.  That’s a good indication of whether you’re settling for less than you desire and you deserve.

    2. Define your desired standards: Next, visualize what your ideal standards look like in these areas. How do you want to be treated? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to spend your time and with whom?  Explore what you want for yourself and your life. 

    3. Set boundaries: Once you know your standards, it's crucial to establish and maintain boundaries that reflect them. This might mean saying no to commitments that don't serve you, distancing yourself from toxic relationships, or prioritizing your personal wellbeing.  Jess Sims, a Peloton instructor, said in a recent class, "I'm on this vibe, if it doesn’t make me happier, healthier, wealthier or free up my time, the answer isn’t just no, it’s hell no.”  She is declaring what she is prioritizing in her life, right now, and if something comes along that doesn’t fit into it, she’s going to pass. 

    4. Align your actions with your standards: Your standards aren't just about what you expect from others - they're also about what you expect from yourself. Ask yourself, "What actions can I take to reflect my raised standards?" 

    Raising your standards isn't always an easy journey. You might face resistance, both from yourself and others. You might doubt whether you're worthy of these elevated standards. This is where self-love and perseverance come into play. Remember, you are absolutely worthy of a life that aligns with your highest values and desires.

    So there you have it, my friends. Raising your standards is a powerful, transformative process that can align your life more closely with your truth. It's about setting and respecting your non-negotiables, challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and sending a clear message to the universe about what you expect and deserve.

    The universe is listening. Raise your standards, and watch as it meets you there.

  • Elevating our standards isn't just about upping our game or setting bigger goals. It's a declaration to the universe about what we believe we deserve.

    And here's the magical part: when we raise that bar, the universe dances right along with us! This exercise is designed to help you pinpoint those areas in your life where it's time to lift those standards and embrace the beautiful shifts that come with it.

    • Reflect on an area in your life where you feel you've settled or accepted less than you truly desire. It could be in relationships, career, health, personal growth, or something else.

    • Write down what's been holding you back from raising your standards.

    • Visualize and describe how you want this area of your life to look and feel.

    • What changes can you start making today?

    • After identifying these, take a moment to release any limiting beliefs or fears that may have been tethering you to those lower standards.

    Remember, there are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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