Episode 008: Nurture Your Idea in Silence

  • Hello there, and welcome back to another episode of the Live Your Truth, Love Your Life podcast. I’m Adrienne, and today we're diving into a topic that I find both fascinating and empowering. Inspired by the incredible Sara Blakely, we're going to talk about the power of nurturing your dreams in silence.  We’re also going to talk about a similar idea of keeping statistics away from your aspirations. Intriguing, right? Let’s get into it!

    In the words of Sara Blakely, the ingenious creator of Spanx, "Don't tell anyone your idea. Your idea is most delicate in its infancy." This idea can be challenging, especially when we're brimming with excitement about our latest brainchild. But, as Sara points out, there's immense wisdom and power in incubating your dreams quietly.

    You see, when an idea is new, it's like a tender sapling. It needs care, nourishment, and protection from harsh elements. And in this analogy, the 'harsh elements' can be the opinions, doubts, and even well-meaning advice of others. By giving your idea the time and space to grow and strengthen quietly, you protect it from external influences that could stunt its growth.

    Sharing your idea or your dream out loud can serve as a basis for accountability.  Once it’s out there, there’s no going back.  But it also invites in the opinions and feedback of others that won’t be helpful in the early stages.

    When I left my career of 12 years, I told my boss once I was committed to my decision, and I asked him not to discuss it with anyone else.  This was prior to me putting in my formal notice.  I didn’t want anyone to weigh in on my decisions, or tell me all the reasons why starting a business rather than staying in a stable career was a bad idea.  By time everyone else found out, my notice had been turned in and the wheels were in motion.  For me, this approach works, and this isn’t the only time I’ve used this strategy for myself.

    When you're working on an idea, especially one that's groundbreaking, different, or ambitious, there will be naysayers. There will be those who, out of fear, ignorance, or their own insecurities, will try to dissuade you. This is where the wisdom of keeping your ideas to yourself, especially in the early stages, really shines.

    By the time you choose to share your idea with the world, it will have taken root within you, grown stronger and more resilient. Your confidence in it will be unshakable, and the negative opinions of others won't have the power to topple it.  

    I also wanted to talk about the idea of "keeping statistics away from your dreams." This is about not letting the odds, probabilities, and 'realities' of the world dictate what’s possible for you. Sure, there might be a million-to-one chance of achieving something. But who's to say you're not that one? Let's not forget that every breakthrough, every innovation, every world-altering change was once considered impossible, until someone dared to believe otherwise.

    The truth is, no one else can truly grasp the power and potential of your dreams. They don’t see the world through your eyes, don't feel the fire in your heart, and don't carry your unique blend of skills, experiences, and insights.

    Therefore, it’s crucial to trust in your unique path, and to nurture your dreams in a way that resonates with you. This may mean incubating your ideas in silence, or choosing to ignore the 'statistics' that try to dictate your possibilities.  Or maybe, you feel like if you don’t put it out there it won’t happen, so you choose to share it up front with others.  Do what’s right for you, but at least consider the idea of committing yourself to your idea, of putting in some work before sharing it with others, so you will have invested enough of yourself to not be swayed by the opinions of others.

    So, as we wrap up this episode, I want you to hold onto this: Your dreams are precious, they’re powerful, and they are possible, no matter what the statistics say or the naysayers suggest. Tend to them with care, let them grow in silence, and when the time is right, let them out into the world with the unshakeable belief that they can and will come true.

  • Inspired by the latest episode "Nurture Your Ideas in Silence," we're embracing the beauty of safeguarding our visions. Sara Blakely once said, "Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength." So let's delve deep into the safe spaces of our minds, where ideas are tender and brimming with potential.

    • Take a moment and think about an idea or dream you've held close to your heart but haven't shared with anyone yet.

    • Why have you chosen to keep it silent?

    • How does it make you feel when you think about this idea?

    • Imagine a world where this idea has come to fruition; describe it in as much detail as possible.

    • What steps can you take this week to nurture this dream in silence, allowing it the space to grow and evolve?

    Remember, it's okay to protect your dreams until you're ready to let them soar.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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