Episode 004: The Past is Never as Relevant as We Think It Is

  • Hey there! It’s Adrienne, your host for "Live Your Truth, Love Your Life." Today, we're exploring a thought-provoking perspective: "The past is never as relevant as we think it is." Now, this may sound a bit counter-intuitive, especially since our past experiences shape who we are. But stick with me, and let's unravel this idea together.

    So, why would I suggest that the past is not as relevant as we think it is? It's not about dismissing or belittling our past experiences. It's about understanding how our perspective of the past can impact our present and future, and learning to navigate that in a way that serves our growth and happiness.

    You see, we often give our past a lot of power. We let it define us, limit us, and dictate our future. We carry around guilt, regret, or nostalgia, and that can cloud our perception of the now and the possibilities of tomorrow. But here’s a beautiful truth: each new moment provides an opportunity for a fresh start.

    Being present – truly present – means embracing the now, free from the echoes of yesterday. It means making decisions based on what feels right in this moment, rather than being tethered to what was. And, believe me, there's such freedom and empowerment in this.

    The key is in acceptance. Accepting the past, the good, the bad, and everything in between. Remembering that every choice, every step, every stumble has brought you here, to this moment. But it doesn’t have to steer your future. Letting go of guilt and regret allows you to acknowledge your past without it overshadowing your present or dictating your future.

    Don't get me wrong. We learn valuable lessons from our past. It provides context, yes. But it’s not a life sentence or a crystal ball. We're not bound by it, and it doesn't forecast our future unless we allow it to.

    So, my invitation to you today is to reflect on this: How much power are you giving your past? How can you honor your history without letting it overshadow your present and dictate your future?

    Remember, the past has shaped you, but it doesn't define you. Each new moment is an opportunity to choose who you want to be, and how you want to show up in the world.

    In the end, when you live your truth, you realize that the present moment is where the magic happens. Because when you’re fully present, you’re in alignment with your deepest values and desires, and that's where you'll truly love your life. 

  • One thing I've found is that sometimes we can get a little too caught up in our past. It's like we're driving through life with our eyes fixated on the rearview mirror, unable to focus on the road ahead. If you've ever felt this way, trust me, you're not alone.

    This exercise will help you redirect your attention back to where it belongs – on the journey ahead. It's designed to help you assess the power you're giving your past and find ways to honor your history without letting it overshadow your present and future.

    • Describe the power you are currently giving your past.

    • Reflect on how you can honor your history without allowing it to overshadow your present and dictate your future.

    • Who are you without the stories of your past holding you back?

    There's no right or wrong answer here, only honesty and self-reflection. Let these prompts guide you in recognizing the power of your present and the potential of your future, independent of your past.

    Remember, there are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us together. Happy journaling!


Download the full Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 005: The Truth is in Your Body


Episode 003: Worthiness - Flip the Script