Episode 075: Bring The Joy Even When It Feels Hard


Hey there, I'm Adrienne. Welcome back to Living with Loss.

In this episode, we’re diving into the art of creating joy, even when life feels overwhelming. If you're going through a tough time, the idea of "bringing the joy" might sound unrealistic. But trust me, it’s not only possible—it’s essential. I'll share practical strategies for choosing joy, shifting your energy, and intentionally crafting the emotional experience you want to have, even on the hardest days. This episode is all about taking back control of your emotional state and finding moments of happiness, no matter what life throws your way.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why it’s crucial to take responsibility for the energy you bring into any situation—and how to do it.

  • How to intentionally create joy, even when it feels impossible, by using simple yet powerful techniques.

  • The importance of developing beliefs that support your well-being and help you see beyond the current challenges.

  • Practical tips for generating positive emotions and turning around a bad day, including setting up physical and mental cues that trigger joy.

  • How to shift your focus from what's hard to what's beautiful, and why doing so can change everything.

Journal Prompt:

Think of a recent challenge where joy felt distant. What one action could you have taken to bring joy into that moment? Write it down and commit to trying it next time. How might this shift your experience?


If you’ve been struggling to find joy lately, I hope this episode gives you the tools and encouragement you need to turn things around. Remember, you have the power to create the emotional experience you want, even when it feels hard. I’d love to hear how you’re bringing the joy into your life, so please shoot me a DM on Instagram or reply to this week’s newsletter and let me know. Your stories inspire me, so keep them coming! Until next time, have a joy-filled week!

FREE GUIDE: 5 Essential Tools for immediate relief from grief so you can get out of overwhelm, feel peace, and create emotional stability when you need it most.


SPECIAL RELEASE - Episode 076: Combatting Suicide Stigma: A Conversation for World Suicide Prevention Day


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