Episode 073: Who Are You Now? Rediscovering Identity After Loss


Hey there, I'm Adrienne. Welcome back to Living with Loss.

In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the topic of identity and how it evolves through grief and loss. Our identity can change drastically when we go through difficult experiences. We'll explore the four different types of identity crises that can arise from loss and grief, and I'll share insights on how to navigate these changes. Learn how to embrace the new you and see the opportunities that lie within these challenging times. This episode will help you understand that even though your world might feel upside down, there is a path to rediscovering and redefining yourself.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

Understanding Identity Changes:

  • How grief and loss reshape who we are.

Types of Identity Crises:

  • Discover the four types of identity crises and how they relate to grief.

Embracing the New You:

  • Tips on how to navigate and embrace your evolving identity.

Practical Tools:

  • Techniques to explore and experiment with your new sense of self.

Inspiration and Hope:

  • Stories and insights to help you see the beauty in transformation.


Thank you for joining me on this episode of Living With Loss. Remember, it’s about honoring yourself and the life you’re currently living so you can move forward and create a life you love. Until next time!

FREE GUIDE: 5 Essential Tools for immediate relief from grief so you can get out of overwhelm, feel peace, and create emotional stability when you need it most.


Episode 074: Unlock the Feeling You Crave Today


Episode 072: Envision Your Life