Episode 071: Tears in Aisle 8


Hey friends, welcome back to Living with Loss. In this episode, I’m sharing a deeply personal story about a meltdown I had in the supermarket. It was the day after a tough conversation with my mom about end-of-life issues, and I was riding an emotional rollercoaster. Who knew a sad Ed Sheeran song could trigger such a wave of grief?

We’ll dive into the concept of grief waves – those unexpected surges of emotion that can hit us out of nowhere. We’ll also talk about triggers, the things that can activate our grief, and how to cope when these moments strike.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

Understanding Grief Waves:

  • The ebb and flow of grief and how to navigate these emotional surges.

  • How grief waves can vary in intensity and frequency.

Recognizing Triggers:

  • Common grief triggers such as sensory experiences, dates, and milestones.

  • How to manage these triggers effectively.

Permission to Feel:

  • The importance of allowing yourself to feel your emotions, even in public places.

  • Why it's okay to not stifle your feelings to make others comfortable.

Practical Tips for Coping:

  • Actionable advice on handling grief waves and triggers with compassion and self-care.

  • Techniques for managing big emotions that arise during these moments.

Personal Stories:

  • My supermarket meltdown and the emotional rollercoaster that led to it.

  • How I’ve learned to give myself permission to feel and process my grief openly.


  • 5 Essential Tools for Immediate Relief from Grief (download below!)

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Living With Loss. Remember, it’s perfectly okay to feel your feelings and give yourself permission to grieve without shame. Until next time!

FREE GUIDE: 5 Essential Tools for immediate relief from grief so you can get out of overwhelm, feel peace, and create emotional stability when you need it most.


Episode 072: Envision Your Life


Episode 070: Get Real About What’s Working and What’s Not