Episode 069: Supporting the Grieving: Do's and Don'ts


Hey there, I'm Adrienne. Welcome to Living with Loss. In this episode, I discuss how to support someone who is grieving. Many of us worry about saying the wrong thing or not knowing what to say at all. Today, I provide guidance on what can be helpful and what can be unhelpful to say to someone in grief.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  1. Helpful Phrases:

    • "I'm so sorry" acknowledges the loss without trying to fix it.

    • "I'm here for you" signals your willingness to support in any capacity needed.

  2. Unhelpful Phrases:

    • "They're in a better place" can imply that the grieving person shouldn't feel as they do.

    • "God won't give you more than you can handle" assumes the grieving person's beliefs and can feel dismissive.

  3. Offering Practical Support:

    • Instead of asking, "What can I do?" offer specific help like, "I’ve left some dinner at your door," or "I'll handle the carpool for the next month."

    • Coordinate with a point person if you're unsure how to help directly.

  4. Companioning:

    • Be present without offering reassurances or trying to fix the situation. Sometimes, just sitting with someone and holding their hand can be the most supportive action.

I share experiences from my own life, such as the support I received when my dog passed away and the companionship offered by friends and family. These stories illustrate how powerful it can be to simply be there for someone in their time of need.


Thank you for joining me on this episode of Living With Loss. Remember, supporting someone in grief means being there, witnessing their pain, and companioning them through it. Until next time, take care of yourself and those around you.

FREE GUIDE: 5 Essential Tools for immediate relief from grief so you can get out of overwhelm, feel peace, and create emotional stability when you need it most.


Episode 070: Get Real About What’s Working and What’s Not


Episode 068: Why Work With A Grief Coach?