Episode 068: Why Work With A Grief Coach?


Hey there, I'm Adrienne. Welcome to Living with Loss. In today’s episode, I dive deep into the world of grief coaching, explaining what it is, why you might choose to work with a grief coach, and how it differs from therapy. If you're curious about how a grief coach can support you in navigating your grief and moving forward, this episode is for you.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  1. The Difference Between Grief Coaching and Therapy:

    • Coaching focuses on what you want to create and how to move forward, while therapy often deals with understanding and processing the past.

    • A therapist asks, “What’s wrong and how can I fix it?” A coach asks, “What do you want and how can I help you create it?”

  2. The Role of a Grief Coach:

    • Grief coaching is about holding space for you, acknowledging and accepting your feelings, and exploring ways to integrate your grief into your life.

    • I explain how we work together to create a vision for your future, even while you're experiencing grief, and how understanding the transformation cycle can be helpful.

  3. Practical Strategies Used in Grief Coaching:

    • Mind-Body Connection: Techniques to help you get out of negative thought loops and into a more present, grounded state.

    • Physical Self-Care: Importance of taking care of your physical body during grief and implementing self-care routines.

    • Grief Work: Various methods to express and process your emotions, from talking and writing to creative activities and visualizations.

    • Building a Support Network: How to find and create a supportive community to help you through your grief journey.

Throughout the episode, I share insights from my training with Martha Beck and her Wayfinder Life Coach training program, including the transformation cycle, which is key to understanding where you are in your life in relation to your grief journey and how to move forward.

Key Takeaways:

  • Grief coaching is about processing to move forward and creating a new vision for your life.

  • The transformation cycle helps you understand and navigate your life in relation to your grief journey.

  • Practical strategies and tools are essential for managing grief and finding a way to live with it while also moving forward.

Resources Mentioned:

If you're curious about working with a grief coach and think I might be a good fit for you, I encourage you to visit my website and fill out the form on the one-to-one coaching page. We can set up a call to talk about your needs and see if grief coaching is right for you. And don’t forget to download my free guide, "5 Essential Tools for Immediate Relief from Grief," to start finding relief today.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Living with Loss. Until next time, take care of yourself and know that support is here when you need it.

Feel free to share these insights with someone who might benefit from them, and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast for more episodes on navigating grief and finding healing.

FREE GUIDE: 5 Essential Tools for immediate relief from grief so you can get out of overwhelm, feel peace, and create emotional stability when you need it most.


Episode 067: What Would You Want If You Could Be Guaranteed That You Didn't Have to Lose It