Episode 059: Crafting Your Peace Playbook

  • Hey there, friends! Welcome back to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life,". I’m Adrienne. Today, I’m excited to share something a little personal: my top five practices for cultivating peace. These are the little rituals and activities that bring serenity to my bustling life. Whether you’re surrounded by chaos or just seeking a moment of calm in your day, these practices might just be the sprinkle of magic you need.

    1. Walking: First up, let’s talk about walking. There's something incredibly grounding about putting one foot in front of the other, feeling the earth beneath your feet, and simply being present with your surroundings. For me, walking, especially with my dogs, is my non-negotiable peace practice. It’s my time to disconnect from the world's constant barrage of information and reconnect with myself. No podcasts, no music, just me and the sound of my footsteps and whatever is going on around me. This practice is about soaking in the environment, observing the beauty around me, and taking a break from digital overload. Remember, it's not just about the physical movement; it’s about the peace that comes from being fully present.

    2. Writing: Next, let’s dive into writing. There’s something incredibly liberating about transferring your thoughts and feelings onto paper. Whether it’s journaling, crafting stories, or penning poetry, writing is my way of clearing the clutter in my mind. It creates a space between me and my thoughts, between me and my emotions. Sometimes it’s structured, sometimes it's free-flowing, but it always, without fail, lifts a weight off my shoulders. If you’d like to start writing, I post journal prompts to my Instagram page @liveyourtruthloveyourlife every week. I use oracle cards, I’ve bought writing prompt decks, and if I’m really stuck, I’ll google and get some prompts. Try it! It will change your life.

    3. Creation/Crafting: Moving on to making something – I love it! Whether it’s painting, drawing on my iPad, or just doodling, creating something with my hands is like a direct line to peace. It’s not about the outcome; it’s about the process. Losing myself in creation, I find a part of me that is serene, content, and utterly at peace. Hours will pass if I am not super intentional about keeping track of time or setting an alarm. I used to make stuff a lot when I was a kid and somewhere along the way, I stopped. The last probably 3 or 4 years, making stuff has become a regular part of my life again. More recently, I started learning how to make art on my ipad, and I love it.

    4. Play: – yes, you heard it right! Legos, board games, escape room puzzles, casefile mysteries, you name it. Engaging in play is a phenomenal way to step away from stress and immerse yourself in pure joy. It’s about reconnecting with that childlike part of us that knows how to be in the moment, free from worries. Think about what made you happy as a kid and revisit those activities. There’s a unique kind of peace that comes from play, a reminder that life doesn’t always have to be so serious. I could spend hours playing games or doing a Lego set and have no concept of time. I know there’s this idea that playing, especially as an adult, is a waste of time, but it will transform you. There are so many benefits to it, especially mental health benefits, and I’ve done a few episodes on play before if you want to check those out. But if you don’t play regularly, try it. If you don’t know where to start, revisit the things you did as a kid.

    5. Cold Plunge and Sauna: Lastly, let’s talk about the combo of cold plunges and sauna sessions. Yes, it might sound intense, but hear me out. The contrast between the cold and the heat has a calming effect on both the body and mind. My sauna has been a sanctuary for meditation and deep relaxation, improving my sleep and overall well-being. And the cold plunge, while it takes a bit of courage to step into, brings its own kind of invigorating peace once you embrace it. The key is to not fight it and just sink into it, breathing through the initial shock. Together, they’re like a reset button for my entire system.

    Creating Your Own Peace

    In sharing these practices, my hope is that you feel inspired to find your own paths to peace. What are those activities that make time stand still for you? Where do you find joy and calmness? If you’re not sure yet, that’s okay! Start exploring, experimenting with different activities, and pay attention to how they make you feel. Remember, the goal is to discover practices that you can do on your own, ensuring that your peace isn’t dependent on anyone else’s presence or participation.

    Discovering what brings you peace is like uncovering a personal treasure. It empowers you to cultivate the emotions you desire, rather than being tossed around by external circumstances. So, I encourage you, start this exploration, if you haven’t already. And if you have, keep nurturing those practices. They’re your tools, your allies, in creating a life filled with moments of peace, joy, and deep satisfaction.

    And with that, we wrap up today’s episode on creating peace. I hope you’ve found inspiration in these practices and that you’re feeling a bit more equipped to carve out those moments of peace in your own life. It’s the simple, intentional actions we take that often lead to feelings of peace and contentment. So, take that walk, write down your thoughts, create, play, and maybe even give that cold plunge a try!

    Until next time, live your truth, love your life!

    In the midst of grief or facing the loss of a loved one? Check out my new book, Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus. I hope it provides you comfort and helps you feel less alone. Now available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats: https://amzn.to/3TR5mOT

    FREE COURSE: Seven Days of Healing for Anticipatory Grief | Sign up at: https://pages.adriennecrowley.com/7daysofhealing

  • Reflect on the last time you felt truly at peace.

    • What were you doing? Were you alone, or with others? Did this peace come from an activity, a particular setting, or perhaps an unexpected moment of quiet in a busy day?

    • Think about the five practices shared in this episode: walking in silence, writing, creating, playing, and the sauna/cold plunge combo. Which of these practices resonates with you, and how can you incorporate them into your life to create more moments of peace?

    • Consider setting a goal to try one or more of these practices this week. Write down your plan and how you hope it will bring you a sense of calm.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


Free Yourself To Be Yourself Journaling:

Unlock the Secrets to a Deeper Connection With Yourself with 3 Questions

Discover the transformative power of journaling and take the first step to a more authentic you.

Why This Journaling Guide is a Must-Have:

  • Find clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.

  • Learn to communicate with and understand your innermost feelings.

  • Harness the healing power of putting pen to paper.

  • Embrace a non-judgmental space for your deepest reflections.

  • Develop a routine that nurtures your soul and bolsters your self-worth.

  • Energy cleansing ritual for when you feel stuck.

Check out the preview below!


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Episode 058: The Space Between Love and Loss