Episode 023: Facing Your Fears

  • Hello there friends! Welcome back to another episode of "Live Your Truth, Love Your Life." I'm Adrienne, your host, and today we're covering a subject that we've all struggled with at various stages in our lives: Fear.

    Fear is such a fundamental human experience, and yet, it's something we rarely talk about openly or address with the importance it deserves. We all have moments where we like to say that everything is fine; we’re not afraid, nervous, scared, or any other negatively perceived emotion. We’re all afraid of something though, whether or not we want to say it out loud.

    Think about it. How often do you let fear dictate your choices? How many times have you avoided taking a risk, exploring a new opportunity, or expressing how you truly feel because of fear?

    I've been there. We've all been there. And it's time to confront these fears and understand their roots. I mentioned before that I bought the domain for my website and wanted to start a business in 2015. It took me years to take the plunge. I was afraid of changing my life, of not having financial security, of failing in front of people I know, but when it comes down to it, I’m most afraid of a life unlived. I’m most afraid of not experiencing the things I want to experience, of going to the places that I want to see, of pursuing my dreams. When I got clear on that, everything changed.

    We’re going to do something a little different today. I’m going to lead you through a guided meditation or visualization to explore your fear.

    Begin by asking yourself: What am I truly afraid of? Maybe it's the fear of failure, rejection, or perhaps it's the fear of success and the changes it might bring. Just think about that for a minute. What are you truly afraid of? Now, let’s get into meditation.

    **Tune in to hear the guided meditation.**

    By simply recognizing and acknowledging these fears, we're taking the first step towards disempowering them. Remember, fear loses its grip when brought out into the light.

    The journey to facing our fears is not about erasing them. It’s about understanding them, talking back to them, and taking intentional steps despite them.

    Here are a few actionable steps we can take:

    1. Awareness: As with anything, awareness is the first step. Begin journaling about your fears, or discuss them with a close confidant or therapist.

    2. Question Your Fears: Challenge them. Ask, "Is this fear based on reality or a past experience that no longer serves me?"

    3. Visualize Success: Instead of imagining the worst-case scenario, which our minds tend to do, visualize the best outcome.

    4. Take Small Steps: You don't have to leap into the unknown. Start with baby steps, gradually facing your fears in manageable ways.

    5. Celebrate Your Wins: Every time you confront a fear and come out on the other side, celebrate it, no matter how small the win.

    I want to leave you with a thought: On the other side of your greatest fears is the life you want. On the other side of your fear are your most significant achievements and personal growth. It's not about the absence of fear but about the decision to live authentically despite it.

    I'd love to hear your stories, your experiences, and how you're choosing to face your fears. Let's create a supportive community where we lift each other up, share our stories, and cheer one another on as we embark on this journey of living our truth and loving our lives, fearlessly.

    Thank you for tuning in today. Remember, you have the power to rewrite your story, and it begins by facing those fears head-on. Until next time, have a great week!

  • After your guided meditation encounter with your fear, let's dive a bit deeper. In your journal, visualize and describe the entity you associated with your fear. Reflect on your conversation with it.

    • Describe the shape, form, and voice of your fear. Did it appear as you expected?

    • What revelations did you experience regarding the age and origins of this fear?

    • Write down the specific narratives your fear has spun for you over the years.

    • How have they shaped your choices, dreams, and self-worth?

    • Knowing what you know now, draft a letter to this fear. Acknowledge it, thank it for its protective intentions, and outline the terms of your new relationship with it.

    • Envision a life where you co-exist with this fear, but it no longer holds you back. What does that life look like? Feel like? Detail your aspirations and the steps you'll take towards them, unburdened.

    Remember, confronting your fears is the first step in reclaiming your power. As you understand them more, you’re paving your path to a liberated future. Embrace the journey.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


FREE WORKBOOK: Write & Release Journal Method

It's like having a heart-to-heart with your deepest self, a safe space where you can pour out everything, without fear of judgment or repercussions.

This journaling method is a pact with yourself – a pact to acknowledge your feelings, confront your fears, and then let them go, making space for what truly serves you.

Check out the preview below!


Episode 024: When Fear Speaks, Should We Listen?


Episode 022: Another Year: Birthday Reflections & New Adventures