Episode 022: Another Year: Birthday Reflections & New Adventures

  • Hey there, friends! Welcome back to ‘Live Your Truth Love Your Life’. This episode is a little extra special for me… because it’s my birthday! 🎂 And today, I want to share some personal reflections, lessons, and why birthdays can be such transformative milestones.

    Every year, as the day approaches, I’m reminded of the beauty and significance of life itself. Birthdays are not just about getting a year older, but about the journey, the experiences, and the memories created throughout the year. I have had more than one near-death experience in my life, and every birthday is a reminder that I’m still here. I made it another year.

    Let’s talk about reflection. Why do I emphasize it? You see, when we stop and look back, we get a clearer understanding of where we’ve been, what we’ve learned, and how we can shape our future. It’s like reading a chapter of our own evolving story.

    I am a very present focused and future driven person, but I do think it’s important to reflect on how far you’ve come, the things you’ve overcome, and what worked and what didn’t. A lot of people do this kind of thing at the new year, but this type of reflection is a big part of my birthday.

    In my reflection, I am filled with immense gratitude. I mean, isn’t it wonderful? Another year to dream, to chase those dreams, to fail, to rise, to connect, to love, and to be. Each year offers 365 opportunities to grow. Notice, I put failure on that list of things to find gratitude in. Failure is an invitation to begin again. A lot of my failures tend to be from doing something before I was ready, but that attempt becomes information and education to equip me to do better next time.

    I also have this tradition. On my birthday, I try to go somewhere I’ve never been or do something I’ve never done before. Why? Because it’s a reminder of the endless possibilities life presents, and how every new experience contributes to our journey.

    This year, I’m doing the rim to rim to rim hike at the Grand Canyon, also known as R3. I tried this hike last year, also on my birthday, when I was having some health issues. I tried to do it anyways. I got sick by the river, so I hiked back out. Rim to river is nothing to bemoan, but this year, I want the experience of R3. It’s been on my list of dreams for years, and this is the year, the dream comes true.

    This might sound like a fun adventure, or maybe horrifically stupid, depending on who you are and what you’re into, but there’s a deeper lesson in it. We often get caught up in the routine, in the known, in the comfortable. By pushing myself into new terrains or experiences, I’m constantly reminded that change is beautiful and that we should always stay curious.

    This tradition started when I was a kid, but in a different form. My aunt Joanie used to bring me to try a new food on my birthday every year. I was super picky as a kid, and I was missing out on the deliciousness of life. She stepped in and decided that would be our thing. I LOVED it and looked forward to it. As I got older, it evolved into going to new places and doing new things, and this is a sacred week in my life.

    Before I wrap up today’s episode, I want to leave you with a little birthday wish for myself and for all of you. May we always find the courage to embrace the new, cherish every moment, learn from every experience, and most importantly, live our truth and love our lives. You never know which day will be your last.

  • Reflect on the past year of your life. Consider each month as a chapter.

    • What were your victories, the moments of growth, and the unforeseen adventures?

    • Now, looking to the year ahead, imagine where you want to be when you celebrate your next birthday in 2024.

    • What new place would you like to visit or what new experience would you like to have?

    • How can you ensure that this upcoming year is filled with purpose, passion, and unprecedented adventures?

    • Go deep, dream big, and envision a year that truly honors your truth and the life you aspire to live.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


FREE WORKBOOK: Write & Release Journal Method

It's like having a heart-to-heart with your deepest self, a safe space where you can pour out everything, without fear of judgment or repercussions.

This journaling method is a pact with yourself – a pact to acknowledge your feelings, confront your fears, and then let them go, making space for what truly serves you.

Check out the preview below!


Episode 023: Facing Your Fears


Episode 021: Embracing the Unpredictable - The Power of Uncertainty