Episode 024: When Fear Speaks, Should We Listen?

  • Welcome back to another episode of Live Your Truth, Love Your Life. Today, I’m bringing you a thought of the week inspired by a card in Danielle LaPorte’s Truth Bomb Deck. And it's a pretty powerful one. So, let's get into it.

    Here's the thought I've been sitting with and I want to share with you: 'It's often best to do the opposite of what your fear is telling you to do.' Let that sink in.

    Fear. It's that age-old mechanism that's hardwired into our systems, designed to keep us safe from predators and danger. But in today's world, where we're not exactly running from wild beasts, fear has taken on a different role. Instead of protecting us from physical threats, it often holds us back from our dreams, aspirations, and growth.

    So, why might doing the opposite of what our fear dictates be a wise move? Fear, in today's context, often shows up as a voice inside our heads. A voice that tells us we're not good enough, that we're bound to fail, that people will laugh at us, or that we should just stick to what we know. It keeps us small, restricted, and stifled.

    But here's the kicker: Growth doesn't happen in comfort zones. If you've ever wanted to change, to evolve, to reach a new height, you've got to challenge those boundaries. And often, that means doing the very thing fear tells you to avoid.

    Imagine this: Every time you're at the edge of making a decision, and that voice of fear pipes up, what if you took a moment to ask: 'What would happen if I did the opposite?' Let's say you're afraid to voice your opinion in a meeting because you fear judgment. The opposite action? Speak up confidently. You're terrified of attending that social gathering because you might not fit in? The opposite action? Walk in with a smile and initiate a conversation.

    Now, I'm not saying to throw caution to the wind in every scenario. Instead, I'm encouraging a mindset shift - to recognize when fear is keeping you small and to challenge it. By consistently choosing to act against this limiting voice, not only do you prove it wrong time and time again, but you also build resilience, confidence, and a deeper understanding of your capabilities.

    To wrap up this thought of the week, I want to leave you with a challenge: Next time you sense that familiar tug of fear, pause. Reflect. Ask yourself, 'What would the opposite action look like?' And then, dare yourself to take that step. You might just be surprised at where it takes you.

    Thank you for tuning into Live Your Truth, Love Your Life. If this thought of the week resonated with you, please share it with your friends and let's keep the conversation going. Remember, it's in challenging our fears that we truly discover ourselves.

  • Reflect on a moment in the recent past when you felt fear holding you back from making a decision or taking action. Describe the situation in detail. Now, consider the advice from our recent episode: 'When Fear Speaks, Should We Listen?'

    • What was the primary message or narrative that fear was conveying to you in that moment?

    • If you were to do the opposite of what that fear was advising, what action would you have taken or decision would you have made?

    • Visualize yourself taking that alternative action. How does it feel? What potential outcomes or new experiences can you see unfolding as a result?

    • Recognizing that fear often aims to protect us, in what ways might this fear have been trying to keep you safe? Conversely, in what ways might it have been limiting your growth or potential?

    Commit to a small step you can take this week to challenge a fear-based belief or narrative. Write it down, and set a reminder to revisit this commitment in seven days to reflect on your experience and growth.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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Episode 025: Resilient Through Life's Curveballs


Episode 023: Facing Your Fears