Episode 047: The Power of a Simple Smile

  • Hey friends! Welcome back to Live Your Truth Love Your Life. Adrienne here, and today I want to talk about the simple, yet profound impact of acknowledging others in the smallest of ways. This came up in my recent interview with Rob Rich, and I briefly mentioned my grandmother, well she’s nana to me, but I wanted to take this short episode to really get into the story of her good morning walks.

    My Nana had this morning ritual that I can remember from when I was really young. These memories are from when I was in elementary school into middle school. She’d take a walk around Charlestown, the town I grew up in, and greet every person she passed with a "Good morning," whether she knew them or not. When I was home from school or on weekends, I’d often walk with her so I’d see this.

    The responses she received varied. Some people wouldn't respond at all. It was like she wasn’t there. Others would say “good morning” back, and keep walking. Then, there were those who said good morning, stopped, and would launch into a story about something going on in their life. When we’d end up talking to a stranger on the sidewalk for 10 minutes, I can remember thinking, does she really have to say hi to every single person. As I got a little older, I remember admiring that there was something about her that made people want to talk to her even if they didn’t know her.

    I’ve come to realize, this ritual wasn’t just about politeness; it was about seeing and acknowledging people. And sometimes, that's all we need – to be seen.

    I want to share a recent experience that brought those memories back and that brought that message home for me. I was in a bookstore, perusing children's books, when an older woman browsing the next shelf over smiled at me. I would guess she was in her mid to late 60s. I smiled back and asked her about her day. What followed was an hour-long conversation where she opened up about her young granddaughter that was having issues in school, her own fears of aging, and her strained family relationships. She told me how rare it was for someone to show interest in her stories. Our chat ended with us exchanging book recommendations – a small but meaningful connection.

    This encounter started with a smile. She was seeking connection, and I was there to offer it. In our everyday lives, we have countless opportunities to connect with others, whether it’s a simple hello to someone we walk by, a smile to a stranger, or asking your barista how their day is going. These moments of connection can have a profound impact, not just on others, but also on us.

    My Nana used to say that you never know who needs the good morning. You never know who has something they need to get off their chest. When you say good morning, you might be the only person that says anything to that person that day.

    If your life is full of family and friends and connection, that might be hard to believe. But it’s true. The person you greet could be going through a range of emotions – grief, joy, loneliness, or even despair. Your small act of acknowledgment could be a glimmer of hope, a reminder that they’re seen, that they matter. When people are going through the hardest times in their life, such a small gesture can be lifesaving.

    So, why don’t we make this a practice? To look up from our phones, to make eye contact, to smile, to say hello. It doesn’t take much – just a moment of your time and a bit of kindness. But this small act can ripple out in ways we can’t even imagine, creating a more connected, compassionate world.

    In our busy lives, we often forget the power of connection, of simply being present for one another. Or sometimes we take that connection for granted. I find myself being more intentional as I pass by people. If I’m out walking or running, I say hello or good morning. I want to be the person that pauses to smile, to say hello, to connect. If it’s not something you do, consider trying it. Smile at someone, ask how they’re doing, and really listen. You never know, you might just make someone’s day, or even more, you might remind them of the beauty of life itself.

    As we wrap up, I have something exciting to share! If you’re listening to this in real time, starting January 22 until Feb 12, 2024 I'm opening up my calendar for FREE Momentum Monday coaching sessions. For the next four weeks, I'm offering complimentary one-hour coaching sessions on a first-come, first-serve basis to help you keep momentum toward your 2024 goals.

    Here’s why I’m doing this. January 12 was “Quitters Day” –the whole world expects us to give up on ourselves.

    ⚡But what if you decided to do things differently this year?

    ⚡What if you didn’t let the expectations of others dictate what’s possible in your life?

    ⚡What if instead of going after the things you “should” want, you uncovered what you truly desire for your life?

    ⚡What if instead of giving up on yourself, you created a way to stay the course?

    These sessions are for anyone who's looking to gain clarity, find direction, or simply take that next step towards a dream that’s on your heart.

    Please be cool and only schedule one session!


    If you’re not listening to this in real time, I always offer a free 30 minute introductory to coaching call. You can use the time as a mini coaching session or ask me any questions you might have about coaching.

    Some of the things I coach people on include:

    ✨Figuring out what you truly desire for your life

    ✨Trusting yourself to make more confident decisions

    ✨Letting go of who you "should" be

    ✨Taking action toward things that light you up

    ✨Letting go of the limits you're putting on your potential

    If you want to work on any of those things, book a free intro session!

    Thank you for joining me today. I’ll leave you with a saying that I love: in a world where you can be anything, be kind. Until next time, live your truth and love your life.

  • Reflecting on the Power of Connection:

    • Recall a Recent Interaction: Think about a recent time you shared a smile or greeting with a stranger. Describe the interaction and how it made you feel.

    • Impact of Your Gesture: Reflect on how your small gesture might have impacted the other person. Do you think it brightened their day? Why or why not?

    • Observing Others: Recall a moment when you noticed someone else making a kind gesture towards a stranger. What was the reaction? How did it affect the atmosphere around them?

    • Personal Connection Goals: How can you incorporate more of these simple, kind gestures into your daily life? Set a goal for the coming week to consciously engage in small acts of kindness.

    • The Ripple Effect: Imagine the ripple effect that could occur from consistently engaging in these small acts of kindness. How do you think this could impact your community or even the world? Explore how it would feel to be part of that.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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  • Find clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.

  • Learn to communicate with and understand your innermost feelings.

  • Harness the healing power of putting pen to paper.

  • Embrace a non-judgmental space for your deepest reflections.

  • Develop a routine that nurtures your soul and bolsters your self-worth.

Check out the preview below!


Episode 048: Uncover Your Inner Self


Episode 046: Beyond Limits - Rob Rich's Journey