Episode 031: Pages That Shape Our Path

  • Hey there, friends! Welcome back to the "Live Your Truth Love Your Life" podcast. Today, I have something a little different and very close to my heart to share with you—it's all about the transformative power of books.

    Think back to the first chapter book you ever opened. Remember that feeling? For me, that moment was pure magic. The first chapter book I read was in my second year of kindergarten. It was levels ahead of me, but I loved it. It was the Mystery at Lilac Inn by Carolyn Keene. This was where I fell in love with the character Nancy Drew and all things mystery - two loves that live on for me to this day.

    Books weren’t just stories; they were adventures and escapes, a school and a church all rolled into one. They were where aspirations sparked and inspiration bloomed. They were windows into lives I could only imagine and doors to worlds I longed to explore.

    In 5th grade, we wrote an autobiography, which I still have today. I wrote that I wanted to be a writer and a detective. These two things were grounded in what I loved most at the time –books.

    I write every day. I journal, write poetry, and blog posts. I do believe I have a book inside me that will be released into the world before long.

    The detective piece was rooted in my love for Nancy Drew. From that first mystery I read, The Mystery at the Lilac Inn, I fell in love with the idea of solving mysteries. Somehow, some way, I found myself in a career in law enforcement for 12 years. Though I was never a detective, I loved building a case. It’s just funny the influence that books have had on my life whether consciously or unconsciously.

    Through the adventures of fictional characters, I learned to dream early and often. Books were my ticket to globetrotting long before I could physically do so, feeding my dreams with the history and culture of every place I would one day visit. I’ve journeyed through countless places, embraced cultures, and lived a thousand lives—all through the pages of books. And when life took me to the actual spots I'd only dreamed of, I found myself moved to tears, filled with the pride of a promise fulfilled.

    When I moved from Boston to California for college, I had never been there prior to moving into my school. During orientation week, we went to the Santa Monica Pier. When we drove by the Hollywood sign, I sat on that bus, my eyes filled with tears, thinking I’m here. I actually live in California. So many books I’ve read vividly described that sign, it was a backdrop to mysteries, thrillers, romances, non-fiction, you name it. And there I was, at 18, staring at it, a symbolic moment in my California living.

    Similarly, when I studied abroad in Australia and got a glimpse of the Sydney Opera House, I thought I was going to die of excitement. I was elated and emotional, and couldn't believe I was staring at it.

    I was in China on Mother’s Day in 2016, and I made her a video from the top of the Great Wall. I was standing on the Great Wall of China, a landmark on posters in classrooms throughout my childhood and in so many books that I read. And there I was. On top of it.

    Santorini, Greece had a similar effect. I would walk along the streets in awe of the blue domed buildings, the whitewashed walls, and the picturesque sea. I kept thinking, I feel like I’m in a book or a movie. I feel like my life is a novel, unfolding in front of me. I could explain it or try, but it’s hard to convey the significance of that feeling for me.

    I could go on and on, but whenever I go somewhere that has a place that has been the backdrop in books I’ve read, it floors me. The dreams of my childhood, with my nose buried in a book, are splayed out in front of me. I can only describe that feeling or experience as pure magic.

    My mom and nana both loved reading, and always encouraged me to pick up a book. My nana’s voice still echoes in my mind: "Through books, you can learn anything." It's a truth that's carried me through life, a truth that’s enabled me to connect with people from all walks of life, in every room I’ve stepped into. She explained that if you’re well read, you’ll know a little about a lot, and that’s more than a lot of people. It will allow you to walk into any room and talk to any person, and feel like you belong there.

    But beyond the escapism and adventure, books—especially non-fiction, biographies, and memoirs—allow us to see that the heroes we admire are real people. They face challenges just like us, they harbor self-doubts, and they overcome. It's in their stories that we often find fragments of our own.

    I recall hours spent in the silent companionship of library shelves. I loved going to the local library, and I would get lost in stories for hours and hours. At any given time, I had four or five books checked out, and somehow, I read them all simultaneously, a habit that continues today. I’m reading a personal development book, something on psychology, something on business, a memoir, and a novel. I liken it to people that are watching multiple shows at once –you got your favorites across the platforms from Netflix to Hulu to HBO. I do that, but with books.

    When I was a kid, the local library had a book night for kids, once a quarter. I think it was once a quarter, but it seemed to be every few months. You’d go in, someone would read a portion of a book, and then there would be tables set up and you could browse them, and pick two brand new, free books.

    I was insufferable at these events. My mother and brother had to deal with me for two or three hours at these things. I say, “had to deal with me,” because I had to look at every single book available. I had to read the back of them. I had to weigh all of my options. I was obsessed with Nancy Drew, and after the first couple of events, the librarians would hold the Nancy Drew book aside for me so I could see which ones I didn’t have yet. But I didn’t limit myself to just Nancy Drew. I dabble in everything, from VC Andrews, to choose your own adventure, Babysitters Club, Hardy Boys, Boxcar Kids, anything by Judy Blume, I mean the list is endless. I usually took so long to make my selections, that the event would be winding down by time I had my choices narrowed.

    So often, the librarians let me pick extra books. They knew I loved books, and I read anything and everything I could get my hands on. They knew my family didn’t have a lot of money, and that an extra book was like Christmas came early. That might sound like an exaggeration, but really, few things made me as happy as a new book, and they knew that. So they spoiled me in the best way possible. When I was holding a few extras, agonizing over my decision, they would let me keep whatever was still in my hands. I don’t think they knew, or maybe they did, what that meant to me, but it was everything.

    So you might be wondering, what am I reading right now? I’m reading Cassandra in Reverse, which was a Reese Witherspoon book club pick. Follow along with that book club by the way. I haven’t read one of her picks and not enjoyed it. I’m also reading Smart Brevity, a book about copywriting, which was recommended by my amazing friend Michelle. I’m reading A Liberated Mind by Steven C. Hayes, which is a book about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I’m also reading Passion to Purpose by Amy McClaren, which is about her journey into the nonprofit world and building a life around her passions. Also, like most of America, I’m reading Britney Spears’ memoir, The Woman in Me. I’m not saying to go out and buy any of these books, because I’m not done and can’t make a proper recommendation, but I wanted to give you a glimpse of what’s going on in my world book-wise at the moment.

    I always tell people, if I let you look at my bookshelves or at my Kindle library, I’m giving you a glimpse into my soul. Books are a huge part of who I am and how I spend my time.

    That’s why I’m beyond excited to announce the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Book Club, launching December 1st. We're going to take our love for reading a step further. We're not just reading; we're transforming. We'll be sharing personal development gems that we can actively apply to our lives and occasionally delve into fiction that challenges and reflects our personal journeys.

    This is an invitation to build a community that grows together through the pages of inspiring books. It's about more than just reading—it's about implementing and living the wisdom we uncover.

    So, are you with me? Let's make this book club a beacon for change, a catalyst for growth, and a source of support as we all strive to live our best lives. Join the waitlist at www.adriennecrowley.com/bookclub

    Keep an ear out for the upcoming details, but until then, I want to hear from you. What book has touched your life in a significant way? Share your story with us on our social channels!

    Thank you for joining me today. Remember, every book has the potential to spark change. Let's embrace that change together. Until next time, keep reading, keep dreaming, and as always, live your truth, love your life.

  • Reflect on a book that profoundly changed your perspective or life direction.

    • How did the characters or the journey within its pages influence your decisions, dreams, or aspirations?

    • Explore the emotions it stirred within you, the ideas it sparked, and the ways in which it echoes through your life today.

    • What personal truths did it unveil, and how can you weave those revelations into the fabric of your daily existence?

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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Check out the preview below!


Episode 032: Embrace Life, Acknowledge Death


Episode 030: Anchor Gratitude to a Feeling