Episode 027: The Missing Ingredient in Adult Life: Play

  • Hey there, friends! Welcome back to another episode of "Live Your Truth Love Your Life." Today, I’ve got something really special for you—an exploration into an often-overlooked aspect of adult life that has the power to transform our well-being, creativity, and joy. We're talking about the magic of PLAY!

    Now, when I say "play," I know some of you are rolling your eyes. You might be thinking, "I'm an adult! I've got responsibilities! I don't have time for child's play!" Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll see why making time for play is not only important but downright essential. Keep in mind, play isn't just an activity; it's a state of mind.

    If you haven’t read Dr Stuart Brown’s book, "Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul," I highly recommend it. It’s a treasure trove of insights that explain why play isn't just for kids—it's a biological necessity for all ages.

    Let's get into the science a little. According to Dr. Brown, play actually stimulates the brain and can change the way our neurons interact. It opens up neural pathways, making it easier for us to absorb new information and adapt to new situations.

    But that's not all. Play has a powerful physiological impact:

    1. Stress Reduction: Play often triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. These endorphins act as a natural mood booster and stress reliever, improving mental function and promoting relaxation.

    2. Enhanced Brain Function: When you engage in play, you're often challenging your brain in novel ways that can improve problem-solving skills and even potentially delay the onset of cognitive aging. Games that involve strategy, puzzles, or active problem-solving keep the brain engaged and have been linked to improved cognitive function.

    3. Improved Physical Health: Play often involves physical activity, which is, of course, beneficial for heart health, muscle tone, and overall fitness. Even light play can elevate your heart rate and lead to better cardiovascular health over time.

    4. Immune System Boost: The positive emotions associated with play can release neuropeptides that combat stress and potentially harmful inflammation, giving your immune system a boost.

    5. Better Emotional Regulation: The deep breathing often involved in joyful activities can lead to better emotional regulation. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping your body calm down and regulate mood more effectively.

    6. Hormonal Balance: Play can also influence the levels of various hormones. For example, activities that make you feel joyful and relaxed can reduce the levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline while increasing the production of hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of happiness and relaxation.

    7. Increased Energy Levels: A good play session can leave you feeling invigorated and full of energy, thanks to the release of endorphins and the increase in oxygen flow to the brain and muscles. This can make you feel more awake, alert, and ready to tackle other tasks in your day.

    8. Sleep Quality: Physical play, especially when it's done outside and involves exposure to natural daylight, can help regulate your natural circadian rhythms, potentially leading to better sleep quality.

    These physiological benefits combine to create an overall sense of well-being, enhancing both mental and physical health. So the next time you think you're too busy or too old for a little playtime, remember that play is not a luxury—it's a necessity for a well-balanced, healthy life.

    And let's not forget the psychological benefits, which include emotional well-being, cognitive function, and social interaction.

    Emotional Well-being:

    1. Mood Enhancement: Engaging in playful activities can instantly elevate mood due to the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.

    2. Stress Relief: Play provides a mental break and serves as a natural form of stress relief. It helps us return to daily responsibilities with greater focus and a refreshed mind.

    3. Reduced Anxiety: Play, particularly when it involves physical movement, can act as an effective anxiety reducer, helping individuals face challenges more calmly.

    Cognitive Benefits:

    1. Enhanced Creativity: Play can stimulate imagination and innovative thinking, qualities that are beneficial both in personal endeavors and professional settings.

    2. Improved Problem-Solving: Through the practice of play, people can develop a more flexible approach to problem-solving by exploring various ways to tackle challenges.

    3. Increased Focus: The mental engagement required during play can actually improve long-term concentration and attention span.

    Social and Interpersonal Skills:

    1. Improved Relationships: Whether it's a game night with friends or playing a sport, social interaction during play can strengthen relationships and foster a sense of community.

    2. Communication Skills: Many forms of play, like team sports or board games, require effective communication and cooperation, skills that are beneficial in everyday interactions.

    3. Empathy: Role-playing games and certain group activities can help in understanding different perspectives, thereby increasing empathy and social awareness.


    1. Self-Esteem: Accomplishing goals, even in a play setting, can offer boosts of self-esteem and a sense of achievement.

    2. Self-Exploration: Play allows adults to explore different aspects of their personalities and abilities in a low-stakes environment, contributing to greater self-awareness.

    3. Resilience: Through playful engagement, adults can develop a more resilient mindset by learning how to recover from setbacks more quickly, often in the context of a game or playful challenge.

    By integrating play into their routines, adults stand to gain substantially in areas crucial for mental well-being, social effectiveness, and overall life satisfaction. Who wouldn't want all that?

    Before we wrap up, let me give you a teaser about something that's coming up: the Inner Playground: 30 Day Self-Connection Challenge. It's all about tapping into the transformative power of play to connect more deeply with yourself. You won't want to miss it!

    So as we approach the holidays and the new year, I challenge you to prioritize your well-being by incorporating a bit more play into your daily life. Your future self will thank you.

    That's all for today's episode, my friends. Thank you for tuning in. Remember, living your truth and loving your life starts with connecting with your authentic self—and play is a powerful way to do just that. Until next time, keep smiling and keep playing! Bye for now!

  • Imagine you've met your 10-year-old self at a playground. You have the entire day to play together. What activities would you both indulge in, and why? As you play, your younger self asks you, 'Are we happy in the future? Do we still play?'

    Take a moment to reflect on this encounter and write down:

    1. The activities you would engage in with your younger self and why those resonate with you.

    2. How your current adult life aligns or diverges from the playful spirit of your younger self.

    3. Steps you can take to reincorporate play into your daily routine, keeping in mind your answers to the first two questions.

    Bonus: Turn one of those steps into an actionable task for the coming week. What will you do to embrace the power of play in your adult life?"

    Remember, play is not just an activity; it's a state of mind. How can you approach tomorrow with a playful heart?

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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Discover the transformative power of journaling and take the first step to a more authentic you.

Why This Journaling Guide is a Must-Have:

  • Find clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.

  • Learn to communicate with and understand your innermost feelings.

  • Harness the healing power of putting pen to paper.

  • Embrace a non-judgmental space for your deepest reflections.

  • Develop a routine that nurtures your soul and bolsters your self-worth.

Check out the preview below!


Episode 028: Injecting Play into Your Day - The Antidote to Burnout and Depression


Episode 026: Unlocking Joy & So Much More with the Inner Playground!