Episode 012: Done is Better Than Perfect

  • Hey there, friends! Welcome back to Live Your Truth Love Your Life. I’m Adrienne, your go-to gal for all things life, love, and living in alignment. Last episode, we talked about “making things that feel good to make”, and today, we’re unpacking another gem: why "done is better than perfect." I wanted to do these episodes back to back because I think both are closely related.  It’s about letting go of expectations and taking imperfect action.

    Maybe you’re thinking, "Hang on! Shouldn’t we strive for perfection?" Well, let me paint you a picture. You're working on a project. Hours turn into days. Days into weeks. You keep refining, adjusting, waiting for that elusive moment when everything feels just right. But guess what? That moment never really comes. Sounds familiar?

    It's that constant loop of striving, revising, and second-guessing that can eat away our time and energy. Now, I’ve been down that rabbit hole so many times, but I’ve learned that there’s beauty in moving forward, even with the imperfections.

    So, when does striving for excellence become paralyzing perfectionism? When does it prevent us from launching that course, writing that book, or even hosting that event?

    "Done is better than perfect." It's a mantra that's helped numerous entrepreneurs and creators break free from the shackles of overthinking.

    Let’s break down the magic of this mantra, shall we? Here are 3 key benefits to imperfect action:

    1. Swift Learning. Every time you complete a task or a project, you’re presented with a unique learning opportunity. Feedback is a gift, and when we wrap things up, we open the door for this feedback to flow in.

    2. Momentum Building. There’s an undeniable energy shift when we move forward. It's that feeling you get when you tick off goals, the energy surge, and the motivation boost!

    3. Mental Liberation. Perfectionism can be mentally exhausting. When we decide to let go and embrace the 'done,' our minds breathe a sigh of relief, making space for creativity to flourish.

    I want to share a personal story with you, and I briefly mentioned this in previous episodes. When I started this podcast, I was anxious about the audio quality, the topics, my voice even! But had I waited for perfection, we wouldn't be sharing this moment. It’s proof that taking a step, however shaky, propels you forward.  I decided that unless I completely flubbed something, I wasn’t going to edit it. So yes, sometimes my cadence is awkward when I talk, my Boston accent is strong, I say a word wrong, and the list could go on and on. 

    The truth is, it’s easy to pick ourselves apart. I used to strive for perfection in everything I did, but really, all I was doing was hustling for my worth. I have high standards for everything I do, but part of my journey has been about discerning high standards versus creating insurmountable expectations that make it impossible to move forward.

    Letting go of perfection specifically with this podcast has been liberating. And you know what? Every episode, every interaction with you gorgeous souls out there, has been a learning curve. Some things worked, some didn’t, and that’s okay. It’s all a part of the beautiful journey we’re on.

    Okay, let’s dive a bit deeper. Let's talk about the cost of perfectionism. Delayed projects, missed opportunities, burnout. When we’re stuck in the perfection loop, we risk not only our dreams but our well-being. Perfectionism will suck up your time and mental energy again and again until you decide perfect is not a realistic standard.

    But how do we move from perfectionism to progress? A few strategies that I’ve found helpful include setting clear boundaries, having accountability partners, and celebrating every win – no matter how small.

    So, as we wrap up, think of one thing you've been putting off because it's not "perfect" yet. Can you take a step towards completing it? Can you embrace the beauty of the imperfect?

    I invite you to embrace the messy, the imperfect, the in-progress. Because, in truth, it’s in these raw, unfiltered moments that magic often unfolds. Until our next chat, remember to cherish every step, every lesson, and every imperfection. Here’s to living our truth and loving every imperfectly perfect moment of our lives.

  • Perfection can be a double-edged sword. It drives us to strive for the best but can also hold us back, chaining us to the idea that everything must be just right. As you settle into this moment, let's uncover the hidden projects and dreams you've set aside, waiting for that "perfect" time.

    1. Describe in detail one thing you've been postponing or holding back onbecause it isn't "perfect."

    2. What fears or beliefs are tied to this need for perfection in this particular project or dream?

    3. Now, envision the sheer relief and accomplishment you'd feel if it was done, even with its imperfections. How does that feel?

    4. Determine one actionable step you can take TODAY to move closer to completing it, embracing its imperfect beauty.

    5. Write a promise to yourself about how you'll approach this project with theunderstanding that "done is better than perfect."

    Remember, perfection is subjective. The beauty often lies in the raw, the real, and the imperfect. By embracing this, you're granting yourself the freedom to move forward, grow, and revel in the beauty of progress.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible yourdream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!

    If you haven't already, tune into into the transformative power of taking action in the latest episode, "Done is Better Than Perfect," on the Live Your Truth Love Your Life podcast.


Download the full Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 013: Embrace Renewal


Episode 011: Make Stuff That Feels Good to Make