Episode 017: Emotional Renewal: Rediscovering Your Inner Balance

  • Hey friends, Adrienne here, and welcome back to Live Your Truth Love Your Life. As we progress through our theme of renewal this month, today, we’re talking about our emotional landscape. We've talked about physical renewal, about moving the soul, and today, it's all about emotional renewal.

    But what does 'emotional renewal' truly mean? Well, imagine the seasons. Just like nature rejuvenates after a long winter, our emotional self too needs to shed old layers and embrace a fresh start.

    Understanding Emotional Renewal

    At its core, emotional renewal is the process of letting go of stale, worn-out emotions and welcoming fresh, positive feelings. It's about healing emotional wounds, clearing mental clutter, and rediscovering a balanced state of mind.

    Why do we need emotional renewal? Just like a cluttered room can affect our mood and productivity, a cluttered emotional state can affect our overall well-being. It's essential for maintaining emotional health, fostering resilience, and ensuring we respond rather than react to life's challenges.

    People often think that behavior is driven by their circumstances but it’s not. There is a concept called The Four Categories of Human Experience, which comes from Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This is a really important tool in the coaching world and it’s something I learned and practiced in Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach training. The four categories are: Circumstance, Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions. Circumstances or facts drive our thoughts. Our thoughts drive our feelings. Our feelings drive our actions. If you can’t work through your feelings, those feelings will drive your action or inaction.

    Ways to Practice Emotional Renewal

    Now, how do we tap into this renewal? Let me share some practices with you.

    • Mindfulness and Meditation: A dedicated mindfulness practice helps us become aware of our emotional patterns. Through meditation, we can create a space between stimulus and response, allowing for renewal.

    • Journaling: Writing out our emotions creates an outlet for suppressed feelings. It's like having a conversation with our inner self.

    • Art and Creativity: Channeling our emotions into creativity provides a release and helps transform pain into something beautiful.

    • Seeking Therapy and/or coaching: A therapist or coach can guide you through your emotional landscape, helping you navigate and renew. Therapists will help you unpack your past and how it’s impacting your present. When you’re having trouble, going to a therapist is like going to a doctor. Coaches work with you on your present. Going to a coach is like going to a personal trainer. You’re doing well, but you want to get to that next level.

    I offer coaching, and if you’re curious but not sure if you want to dive into it, feel free to book a discovery session. They're free 20 minute sessions so we can see what your needs are and if working together would be a good fit.

    The Benefits of Emotional Renewal

    Let’s talk about the benefits. Emotional renewal doesn't just feel good; it has tangible impacts on our lives.

    1. Better Relationships: When we clear our emotional basement, we can communicate and connect more authentically.

    2. Improved Mental Health: By releasing pent-up emotions, we reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

    3. Clarity and Focus: With a clear emotional state, we can make decisions more aligned with our true desires.

    Integrating Emotional Renewal into Everyday Life

    How can we make emotional renewal a daily practice? Start with baby steps. I will suggest two practices to try this week.

    1. Emotional check in: Dedicate five minutes daily for emotional check-ins. Ask yourself, 'How am I truly feeling right now?' This simple practice can be a gateway to deeper exploration. I mentioned doing a body check in during a previous episode. This is right along with that idea. You’re checking in with yourself to see what’s coming up for you so you can understand what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, which will enable you to work through how to shift those thoughts and feelings if they’re not working for you.

    2. Journaling: Again, grab that write and release journaling workbook below or just open a notebook and write. Let everything that’s inside out on the page. You will get to know yourself so much better if you do this. Try it out. Stick with it. See what it does for you. There’s a reason I have kept this practice up since second grade.

    I'd love to hear from you all. If you want to share your experience with renewal this month or anything else about your journey, please comment or send me a message on social media.

    Emotional renewal is a voyage, not a destination. It’s a continuous journey of self-awareness, healing, and growth. None of these techniques or ideas that we’re talking about are an instant fix, but trying different practices will help you figure out what works for you, which is essential for creating a life you love. Until next time, have a fantastic week!

  • Your Path to Emotional Renewal

    As you reflect on your emotional journey, take a moment to delve deeper with this guided journal prompt. Allow yourself to explore your feelings without judgment, fostering a nurturing space for emotional renewal:

    • Identify a recent situation where you reacted strongly. What were the underlying emotions driving your reaction

    • Imagine revisiting this situation with a renewed perspective. What emotions would you like to bring into this new scenario?

    • List any recurring emotions you've been experiencing lately. Can you find patterns or triggers that bring about these emotions?

    • Envision a 'renewed' emotional state. What does it look and feel like? Are there new emotions you'd like to welcome into your life?

    • Set an intention for your emotional renewal journey. What small steps can you take daily to nurture your emotional well-being?

    As you ponder these questions, remember there is no right or wrong way to go about it. The journey of emotional renewal is unique to each individual. Allow yourself the grace to grow and evolve at your own pace.


Download the Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 018: Soulful Revival - Embarking on Your Journey to Spiritual Renewal


Episode 016: Move the Way Your Soul Likes to Move