Episode 015: Physical Renewal Through Movement

  • Hey there, and welcome back to another episode. Today, we're unraveling the golden thread that ties the physical body to the beautiful journey of renewal. Yes, we are delving into the world of physical renewal through movement. But hold on, when I say ‘movement’, I mean the beautiful, organic, and self-loving kind of movement.

    So, let’s focus on finding joy and renewal through the art of moving our bodies. If you are in a season where you’re loving your gym routine, you’re putting in miles, you’re lifting weights, keep doing that work! I don’t want people to think that’s the only way to incorporate movement into your lifestyle though.

    Now, we’ve all heard the saying, “a body in motion stays in motion”. It’s not just about building muscle or losing weight, it’s about waking up and shaking up, it’s about breathing life into every cell of your being. So, take a deep breath, and let’s step into this space of exploration and loving-kindness towards ourselves.

    Demystifying Movement

    You don’t have to be doing high-intensity workouts or lifting heavy weights to see benefits. Those things of course will help you increase your fitness levels and you’ll see physical transformation doing those things, but what I’m saying is you don’t have to do those things to have a movement practice. Even a gentle walk or a morning stretch can be incredibly beneficial. If you have an idea in your mind of what a workout routine should be or what fitness looks like and you don’t currently fit that ideal, you might think, why bother or feel uncomfortable starting. But if you look at it like any movement is better than no movement, that’s somewhere we can all start.

    Did you know that regular movement can enhance your mood, alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, and even improve your sleep? Yes, the benefits are truly holistic. Rachel Hollis used to say, “Move Your Body, Change Your Mind,” and I bought a tank top from her company maybe 6 or 7 years ago that I still have and still wear. That really is what movement is for me. When I move, my anxieties, worries, and need to plan and produce melt away. I become so engaged with the movement that for however long I’m doing it, that’s all that exists. It keeps me in the present moment, and when that happens, it frees up my mind so when I stop moving, I feel clear headed. Whatever was clouding my mind or my mood is usually in the rearview by time I finish.

    And again, let’s not confine ourselves to the four walls of a gym. Dancing, walking, yoga — these are all forms of movement that nourish both body and soul. I invite you to expand your definition of movement, and embrace forms that speak to you.

    Right now, my movement practice consists mostly of two things: a Peloton workout of some kind or walking/hiking (usually with my dogs). There have been times where my movement practice has looked different. I was super into CrossFit and got certified as a level 1 trainer probably 10 years ago. At that time, I was all about lifting, getting stronger and faster.

    Then, I was really into half marathons, and most of what I did revolved around getting miles in and shaving time off my PR. Then, I moved more into endurance events, like marathons and 29029 Everesting. My movement practice and training incorporated a lot of running, hiking, biking, and body weight workouts. I’m still doing these kinds of events, but I just came out of a summer that was full of endurance events and traveling with a lot of hiking.

    So right now, my movement is about just that –moving. Not specifically training. I like to stay adventure ready, meaning if an event or something pops up, I’ve maintained a level of fitness where I can participate and finish, but I’m not winning anything. I can feel myself getting a little restless, so I know I will be ramping things up in the near future. I’ll get an event on the calendar and shift from moving to training.

    Establishing a Movement Practice

    So how can we embrace a movement practice that feels natural and rewarding? The first step is to listen to your body. Tune in to what your body is saying; it guides us in the right direction.

    If you’re new to this, start small. It could be a 10-minute gentle yoga routine in the morning, or a leisurely evening stroll. The key is consistency; find something that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. You can enjoy moving your body. What I enjoy might not be what you enjoy and vice versa. That’s perfectly okay –the point is to try different things and see what you like. If you actually like what you’re doing and you enjoy it, you will be more likely to stick with it, which up front, makes building that habit easier.

    Other things that may help establish the habit of movement is set your clothes out the night before and schedule when you’ll move in your calendar. Maybe, you’re going to commit to walking the dog for 15 minutes first thing in the morning. Maybe you’re going to commit to a 30 minute Peloton ride after work every day, before you make dinner and spend time with your family. You decide what it looks like, and go for it.

    In 2015 or so, I was at a little bit of a low point. I felt bogged down by a lot of the relationships in my life and the work that I was doing. I felt like I couldn’t access my intuition and I felt stuck, constantly. The therapist that I was seeing at the time told me to start doing yoga. She told me that it would help me connect with my body and I would quickly see a ripple effect through my life, from physical changes to mental and emotional changes. Though I didn’t stick with that therapist for too long, she was right about the yoga.

    It took a little bit of time to establish the practice. I considered myself fit, but I typically skipped out on the stretching I should do before and after workouts. Knowing this, I felt self-conscious. I’m not flexible. I didn't even know basic yoga poses at the time. There was a lot of talking myself out of even trying that was going on. I went to a few different yoga studios and dropped in on some classes. I had a hard time finding something that was at a level accessible to me, that was close enough to my house to go to regularly, and somewhere I felt like I fit or belonged.

    I ended up trying different yoga classes on YouTube and found an instructor that I loved, and that really helped me establish a practice. My favorite yoga teacher on YouTube is Yoga with Adriene - one N in Adriene, not two like me. She has tons and tons of classes, has been posting classes to YouTube for 11 years, and has something for all time frames and abilities. If you’re looking for a gentle way to incorporate movement into you life, I encourage you to start there.

    The Ripple Effect of Movement

    Now, let’s talk about the incredible ripple effect that movement has on different spheres of our life. I’ve personally experienced an enhancement in my creativity and productivity when I am regular with my movement practice.

    Think about it, when you’re engaged in physical activity, you’re not just moving your body, but you're also fostering a stronger mind-body connection. It’s like every step, every stretch is a message to yourself that you matter, that you are worthy of love and care. When I feel frustrated, stuck, like I can’t focus, can’t come up with ideas, I will often pop onto my Peloton bike and do a short upbeat class. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long workout to experience the mental benefits. In 10 or 15 minutes, I will actually feel a shift, and sometimes, that’s all I’m looking for.

    As we near the end of this discussion, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences with movement. Perhaps you could start exploring the path of physical renewal from today, from this very moment.

    Remember, it’s never too late to start, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ in this journey. It’s your path, your beautiful, unique path to physical renewal. Keep in mind, Move Your Body, Change Your Mind. If the idea of approaching movement from the lens of fitness or working out feels uncomfortable or intimidating, approach it from the idea of wellness. Just a small amount of movement every day will benefit you physically, mentally and emotionally throughout the day.

    I would love to hear from you on and of my social platforms. Share your stories and your experiences around embracing renewal this month.

    And remember to subscribe to the show and leave a review! Please pass this episode along to a friend that you think could benefit from hearing it. The more the merrier on this journey. Until next time, live your truth, love your life!

  • Take a moment to reflect on how movement currently fits into your life. Now, jot down answers to the following questions:

    1. Reflect on a time when moving your body helped you to overcome a challenging situation or emotion. What happened, and how did you feel afterwards?

    2. What does your ideal movement routine look like? Consider the type of activities, the setting, and how frequently you would like to engage in them.

    Remember, the aim here isn't to beat yourself up for what you haven’t done. It’s to empower you to make room for what you truly desire and deserve. Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible yourdream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!

    If you haven't already, tune into into the latest episode, "Physical Renewal Through Movement" on the Live Your Truth Love Your Life podcast.


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Episode 016: Move the Way Your Soul Likes to Move


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