Want to Know My Antidote to Anxiety?

Intuitive art has been my lifeline recently, a real game-changer for my mental well-being. You might be wondering, "What's that?" It's about letting your intuition lead your creative process, focusing on the act of creation rather than aiming for a specific outcome. Sometimes it's expressive with words or messages; other times, it's purely visual. The final aesthetic doesn’t matter. If it happens to be pleasing to look at, that's just a delightful bonus.

Growing up, I was always immersed in creativity—drawing, painting, crafting, writing—you name it. The form it took was secondary to the joy I found in simply creating something from the heart, regardless of the end product. As life got busier, especially with my career, I found excuses not to make art, claiming a lack of time. But the truth was, I stopped making it a priority. I continued to write every day, but short of that, the painting, the drawing, coloring, jewelry making, all of that fell away. 

When burnout hit and dissatisfaction with my career path grew, I rediscovered my creative outlet as a source of solace. On my darkest days, returning to any form of creativity lightened the load, if only for a while. That was enough to make a difference then.

Fast forward nearly two years, and my life has taken a new direction. I've shifted careers, made new connections, embarked on adventures, and taken steps toward a life that feels right for me. Through all the ups and downs, the one constant that brings me peace is creating. So, I make sure to give myself that gift daily. It's something no one else can give me, and they don't need to.

This past week, I participated in Jessica Swift’s #ArtForSelfCare Challenge, and I’ve followed her prompts. I pushed myself to share my creations within the Facebook group and comment on the work of others. There’s something special about connecting with people over creation.

How do I create intuitive art? My approach varies; this week, I've been exploring digital art in Procreate. Sometimes I start with a prompt, other times I let stillness guide me. I close my eyes, breathe deeply, and tune in to my inner voice. Whether it leads me to focus on words, colors, or memories, the process is always freeing. There’s truly no wrong way to engage in this practice.

In embracing creativity, I've found the antidote to anxiety. When you're fully immersed in creating, future worries fade away, leaving you in a state of peace. It's a powerful reminder of the present moment's magic.


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