TIME: 10:00 AM to 12 PM (MST)




Taking Care of Yourself During Tough Times | A Summer Self-Care Workshop

Learn different techniques and strategies to take care of yourself during challenging times. From breath work and mindfulness exercises to self-care practices and movement, you'll learn what you need and how to prioritize it during the chaos of life.

This isn't a one-size fits all self-care routine. This is all about creating a sustainable practice that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit.

We'll explore how you feel now, and how you want to feel so you're empowered to integrate what you need to do, experience, and have in order to feel taken care of.

Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just in need of a little pick-me-up, this workshop is for you.

You'll receive:

  • Workbook packed with prompts, exercises, and self-care ideas.

  • Tracker that will help you KNOW what's working and what isn't so you can make adjustments as needed.

  • BONUS: Free 90-minute private coaching session.

So grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and get ready to renew.

Every Tuesday (8/6, 8/13, 8/20, & 8/27)

TIME: 5 PM to 7 PM (MST)




Writing to Rise

From the Amazon #1 bestselling author of Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus, join Adrienne for this four week workshop that will empower you to tell your truth about your grief and loss.

Grief can knock us to our knees, but it’s up to us to get up and keep going, as impossible as that can feel sometimes.

Writing is the one place where you can be completely honest with no feedback, fixing, or judgment. It’s just you and the page.

You’ll be writing to face your hurt in a way that brings love, wisdom, and self-compassion.

You’ll get curious about your emotions and how they’re connected to your thoughts and behaviors.

You’ll get honest with yourself about the stories you tell yourself and others. This will require deep self-inquiry, and it just might change everything for you.

Integration. Take all the wisdom from your pain and channel it into a force for empowerment in your life. You’ll rewrite your endings, which are really new beginnings.

What you’ll discover within yourself during this workshop will transform you and your relationship to the hard times in your life.

Through these sessions, you will:

  • Learn about yourself, your losses, and how to care for yourself inside your grief.

  • Gain insight into your feelings and beliefs.

  • Feel less alone.

  • Feel encouraged and inspired (yes, even writing about your struggles!).

  • Increase your ability to treat yourself and others with kindness and compassion.

  • Find more peace in your grief and loss.

  • Connect with yourself.

  • Engage deeply with your grief and emotions.

What’s included:

  • Four 2-hour live sessions weekly between August 6 through August 27.

  • Guided meditations and visualization in each session.

  • In-session writing prompts that will excavate your soul.

  • Dedicated writing and reflection time in every live session.

  • Q&A in every live session.

  • Opportunities in every live session to receive coaching on an issue in your life or your writing.

  • All calls will be recorded and sent out within 24 hours afterwards.

  • Writing to Rise workbook (electronic).

  • Writing exercises for you to continue your practice beyond our sessions.

  • Tools and tips to share your work and find the right audience to reach your goals.

  • Built-in support. Share your work, explore your voice, ask questions, and connect with other writers in the private community.

    BONUS: If you sign up by August 1, you'll receive a free 90-minute, private 1:1 coaching session. For more information about my coaching, visit: www.adriennecrowley.com/griefsupport

You may be a practiced writer already, or you may never have put your deepest insights into words. Either way, if you participate, you’ll create more significant, more life-changing writing than you ever thought possible.

#1 New Release in its category!

#1 New Release in its category!

Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus offers a raw, real look at grief through the simplicity of haiku. Born from personal loss, these poems speak directly to the heart, making the tangled emotions of grief accessible and relatable. This book isn't just to be read—it's to be felt, offering companionship and understanding to anyone touched by loss. Dive in to discover not just words, but a shared experience of pain, resilience, and the healing power of love.