Episode 039: Curiosity - Creating Your Path

  • Hey friends! Adrienne here. Welcome back to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life podcast. Today, we're exploring a concept that is both simple and transformative: getting curious. So often, we hear about finding our passion or discovering our purpose, but what if it's not a destination, but a journey? Let's talk about how curiosity can be the compass that guides us toward a fulfilling life.

    Let's start by debunking a common myth: the idea that passion and purpose are things we find, fully formed, like treasures hidden away. What if, instead of finding, we focus on creating? This shift from a 'finding mindset' to a 'creating mindset' opens up a world of possibilities. It's about trying new things, exploring interests, and being open to where they might lead us. Remember, it’s not just about the destination, it’s about the journey.

    Curiosity is your guiding star in this journey. It's about listening to those little whispers that say, 'This might be interesting.' It's not about committing to a lifelong pursuit each time you try something new. It's about giving yourself permission to explore, to dabble, to learn. Think about a time when you tried something just because it piqued your interest, without any pressure of it being 'the thing.' What did you learn from that experience?

    Let’s talk about practical ways to cultivate curiosity. Start small. It could be picking up a book on a topic you know nothing about, enrolling in a workshop, or simply trying a new hobby. The key is to engage with these activities without any expectation. It’s about learning, exploring, and allowing your experiences to shape your path.

    Imagine a life where each day is an opportunity for discovery. A life where 'purpose' and 'passion' are not static endpoints, but evolving, dynamic parts of your journey. This doesn’t mean you won’t find your passion or purpose; it means you allow them to find you, through the winding path of curiosity. How can you start building this life of exploration today?

    As we wrap up, remember that your life's journey is enriched not just by the goals you achieve, but by the curiosity that drives you. Each step, each detour, each experiment adds color and depth to your story. So, what will you be curious about today? Until next time, stay curious, and live your truth, love your life.

  • Reflect on the moments in your life when you felt most curious and engaged.

    • What were you doing?

    • Who were you with?

    • How did these moments of curiosity make you feel?

    Now, imagine a path illuminated by this same curiosity in your daily life.

    • Write about one new thing you can try this week, guided solely by your sense of wonder and inquisitiveness.

    • Consider how this small act of exploring your curiosity could be a stepping stone in creating a more fulfilling and authentic path for yourself.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them. It’s time to turn your insight into action.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible your dream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!


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  • Find clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life.

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Check out the preview below!


Episode 040: Practical Curiosity: Bringing Ideas to Life


Episode 038: What's Blocking Your True Self?