Episode 016: Move the Way Your Soul Likes to Move

  • Hey there, and welcome back to another episode of "Live Your Truth Love Your Life." I am beyond thrilled to have you here with me. We’re still talking about Renewal, and this week, specifically, physical renewal. When I say renewal, I’m looking at the word renew, which means to make something new, restore to freshness or vigor. It means restoring to existence, to begin again, to replenish. This concept or theme that we’re exploring is all about injecting new energy into your life and trying on different ways to do this.

    Today, we are contemplating a concept that is truly at the heart of physical renewal — moving in a way that your soul deeply craves, resonates with, and, frankly, deserves. Imagine this: dancing freely without judgment, walking barefoot and feeling the grass between your toes or the warm sand beneath your feet, or perhaps stretching just because it feels good, not because a workout dictates it.

    You see, our bodies are not just vessels to carry us through the world; they are dynamic canvases of expression, continually evolving, changing, and adapting to our surroundings. Even when we feel stuck, we are changing and evolving.

    Imagine the liberation that comes with breaking free from rigid routines and instead, embracing movement that feels spontaneous, joyful, and soul-enriching. Yes, a routine can be comforting and even necessary at times, especially if you’re training for an event or trying to achieve a goal, but it can also become a cage, stifling the spontaneous spirit that craves to move, dance, and express freely.

    So, what does it look like to move the way your soul likes to move? Well, it’s a deeply personal journey, but I’ll share what I’ve come up with for myself...

    For me, soulful movement is dance. Let’s be clear, I don’t dance conventionally well, but I like to think I’ve got the moves. I like to think I’ve had them since I was a kid. That’s just it, when I was a kid, even through middle school, I made up dances by myself and with friends. I created choreography for I Wanna Dance With Somebody and How Will I Know, both by Whitney Houston. This was in the late 80s, and I was around 5 years old when I was doing this. I had two friends that I grew up with, and we called ourselves the Fly Girls. We dressed up in my grandmother’s slips and created dances for our families. In middle school, me and two other friends made up a dance routine to NSync's “Tearing Up My Heart”, recorded it, and actually sent it to them. Still today, I dance around my house to the music that’s playing in the background or that’s in my head that only I can hear. When I dance, I feel free and happy. That’s why I do it. I don’t do it for anyone else. I do it for myself because of how I feel when I’m doing it.

    When I’m traveling, soulful movement looks a little different. It’s all about taking in my surroundings on foot, walking as far as my feet will carry me, soaking in the new area and new culture. That feeds my soul. If there’s water, I want to kayak. There’s a good chance I’ll throw myself into any water, especially to cool down if I’ve been walking, but I love gliding over water, especially in a place I’ve never been. These are the things that I crave.

    Do you know what kind of movement you crave, you desire? Have you thought about it?

    Now, you might wonder, what's so special about soulful movement? Well, when we move the way our souls naturally lean towards, we tap into a deep well of joy, freedom, and authentic expression, which doesn't just benefit our bodies but seeps into every aspect of our lives.

    It's one thing to talk about soulful movement and another to incorporate it into our daily lives. I invite you to consider how to incorporate 5 minutes of movement that lights up your soul into your day. Maybe you’re chasing your dog around the yard, you’re playing a sport with your kid, you’re dancing around your house, doing a slow yoga flow, swimming, riding a bike for the sake of riding it, not because you have to log miles. This type of movement that lights you up from within can look different for everyone. For some, it’s running. I love running and I love how it makes me feel, but I wouldn’t say it lights up my soul. But for some, it does.

    If you can explore movement that lights you up from within and doesn’t come from a sense of obligation, it will change how you show up in your day. It will infuse you with the energy that you want to experience and put into the world.

    Tony Robbins talks about changing your state. This might be dancing, it might be jumping up and down, but it usually involves moving your body in a way to get you breathing a little heavier, get your heart beating faster, because that will change your energy.

    I want to encourage you to take this weekend to really lean into this practice. I'd love for you to engage with our community by sharing your experiences on our social platforms. Let's support and inspire each other to live more joyful, free, and authentic lives.

    Remember, there is no right or wrong way to move; it's all about what brings joy to your soul.

    Until next time, let’s keep moving, keep exploring, and keep figuring out ways to love your life!

  • Take a moment to reflect on the idea of moving the way your soul likes to move. Now, jot down answers to the following questions:

    • When was the last time you moved without any constraints or judgments? Describe that experience.

    • Craft a letter to your body, expressing gratitude and making a commitment to honor its desire for joyful, spontaneous movement.

    Take your time with these questions. Sit with them, revisit them, and most importantly, act on them.

    There are no limits to this exercise - let your mind roam free, and be as detailed and creative as you can. The more vivid your visualization, the more tangible yourdream will feel.

    This is your time, your moment, your opportunity to make magic. Believe in your own potential, and let's see where this journey can take us. Happy journaling!

    If you haven't already, tune into into the latest episode, "Move the Way Your Soul Likes to Move" on the Live Your Truth Love Your Life podcast.


Download the Write & Release Workbook:


Episode 017: Emotional Renewal: Rediscovering Your Inner Balance


Episode 015: Physical Renewal Through Movement